RENAS has collected over one million tons of EE waste since its inception in 1999. RENAS ensures that the waste is disposed of responsibly, all environmental toxins are removed, and waste is recycled through a nationwide return system.
Our environmental reports are available in Norwegian.
Environmental report 2020:
The environmental report provides an overview of the EE waste collected, treated, and environmental toxins removed from the cycle. We have included consumer statistics in the COVID year. What did lock-down and home offices do to our consumption of electronics? This year’s report has mapped which UN sustainability goals we influence and reported on our sustainability goals over the past year. This year, we also present an emission account for our business calculated CO2 equivalents and demonstrate how we have become climate neutral.
Click here for the 2020 environmental report presentation, Click here for the report pdf version.
Environmental report 2019: Safe and circular
The decade of action, where companies take steps to set and implement sustainability goals in their own operations and value chains. RENAS contributes through knowledge increase and expansion of our services. This year’s report also thoroughly reviews where EE waste is environmentally remediated, treated, and turned into new raw materials. It does not travel as far as you might think!
Click here for the 2019 environmental report presentation, click here for report pdf version.
Environmental report 2018: 20 years in the service of the environment
There is great interest in what we at RENAS work with daily. Recycling, resource scarcity, and environmental toxins are no longer just words for the industry but something the whole of society is concerned about. RENAS is in a special position, with experience, knowledge, and weight in a field that is becoming increasingly relevant.
Read the environmental report 2018 her.
Environmental report 2017: Urban mining and circular economy
The return scheme for EE waste ensures that environmental toxins do not go astray, that valuable materials are retained in the cycle and that we spend fewer resources on the extraction of raw materials. Read more about how we work to increase the recycling of rare metals from EE waste and the circular economy as a driving force for business in this year’s report.Read the environmental report 2017 here.
Read the environmental report 2017 here.
Environmental report 2016: Metals worth over 400 million were recycled
Of what RENAS collected from EE waste in 2016, as much as 97% was recycled. Metals such as iron, aluminum, copper, lead, and gold worth more than NOK 400 million were returned to manufacturers of new products. You can read more about the circular economy in practice in the environmental report.
Read the environmental 2016 report here.

Environmental report 2015: As much as 96 percent goes to material or energy recycling
In 2015, 61,922 tons of electrical and electronic (EE) waste was collected in the RENAS system. As much as 84% of this went to material recycling and became input factors in new products, 12% went to energy recycling. Our industry is both a success and a role model for the circular economy. You can read more about this in the environmental report.
Read the environmental report 2015 here.
Environmental report 2014: Record collection of EE waste
2014 was a record year for RENAS in several areas. We collected 61,609 tons of electrical and electronic (EE) waste, an increase of 2.2%compared with 2013, which was also a year with very good results. With this, RENAS ‘share of the total amount of EE waste collected was approx. 42%. In Norway, we have a collection and treatment system that works well, and both the total amount of EE waste collected and RENAS ‘share is increasing.
Read the environmental report 2014 here
Environmental report 2013: 40% of all EE waste was collected by RENAS
RENAS collected 60,279 tonnes of electrical and electronic waste (EE waste) in 2013, an increase of 14.7% compared with the previous year. Since its inception in 1999, RENAS has collected more than 630,000 tons of EE waste. The amount corresponds to the entire 63 Eiffel Tower! No country in the world is as good at collecting and recycling discarded EE products as Norway.
Read the environmental report 2013

Environmental report 2012: It pays off – 94% is recycled
RENAS collected 52,590 tons of electrical and electronic waste (EE waste) in 2012, an increase of 4.2% compared with the previous year. Since its inception in 1999, RENAS has collected more than 570,000 tons of EE waste. The amount corresponds to a queue of trailers that stretch from Lindesnes to the North Cape.
94% of the EE waste that RENAS collected in 2012 has been recycled. 88% is used in new products, while 6% went to energy recovery.
Read the environmental report 2012
Environmental report 2011: More than 50,000 tons in 2011
RENAS collects and processes all types of discarded electrical products. In 2011, RENAS collected and treated more than 50,000 tons of EE waste, an increase of over nine percent compared to the previous year. The environmental accounts on the following pages show how large amounts of EE waste RENAS were collected in 2011, what happens to this waste, and how large amounts of environmental toxins have been picked out.
Read the environmental report 2011 here.

Environmental report 2010: Several reasons for the success
Last year, more than 300 new member companies chose to let us manage their return obligations. That trust makes us both proud and humble, says CEO Gunnar Murvold. The reasons for the success are several, he believes. – We have an offer that makes it easy and affordable to take environmental responsibility. In addition, we offer the country’s most competent return environment. And finally, we have Norway’s largest membership. Some unrest has characterized the return industry, but RENAS has been spared this.
– The fact that we did not have negative press coverage in 2010 has probably shown the market that we are trustworthy, says a satisfied Murvold. Unique knowledge In 2010, RENAS carried out a major project where the goal was to map the types of environmental toxins found in the various products the company collects. – No one has done anything similar before, neither in Norway nor abroad. The project has given us unique knowledge to offer an even more effective environmental remediation of the products we collect, says Murvold.
Read the environmental report 2010 here